Financial Abuse And Domestic Violence In Fort Lauderdale

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale can take a variety of forms, but ultimately it is about the abuser’s desire to maintain control over and manipulate the victim. One of the most common types of abusive behavior involves threatening a person’s finances.
Financial abuse makes you dependent and prevents you from leaving the relationship. It can also serve as a warning sign, opening the door to more aggressive and threatening acts. Our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer explains more about financial abuse and how to break free.
What is Financial Abuse?
The National Domestic Violence Hotline warns that financial exploitation is one of the most common types of abuse. It can happen alongside putdowns, threats, and physical violence, or it may occur on its own. In either case, it has devastating consequences for victims. Common examples of financial abuse in Fort Lauderdale include:
- Your partner closely scrutinizes your spending, periodically flying into rages over purchases;
- They control your bank accounts and credit cards;
- They require you to surrender your income;
- They require you to live on an ‘allowance’, which is rarely enough to cover your costs;
- They prohibit or otherwise stand in the way of you working or going to school;
- They take your child support, alimony, disability, and other benefits you are entitled to receive;
- They incur debts in your name, ruining your credit score.
Financial abuse creates an imbalance of power. It robs you of your money and the ability to make your own choices. Fortunately, there is help available.
Protection Against Financial Abuse And Other Types Of Domestic Violence
Under the Florida Statutes, domestic violence is defined as any type of assault, sexual assault, stalking, or other aggressive behavior. While financial abuse is not specifically included in state laws, it still poses a threat and entitles you to take certain legal actions. Steps that can help protect you against financial abuse and other types of domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale include:
- Gather your driver’s license, birth certificate, and Social Security card;
- Obtain a copy of your credit report;
- Cancel any joint credit cards;
- Open your own checking and savings account for direct deposits;
- Make an inventory of all marital property and assets, including cars, furniture, personal items, and retirement benefits;
- Consult with our experienced Fort Lauderdale domestic violence and divorce lawyer;
- Seek the support of trusted family and friends;
- Determine what needs to happen in order to leave the relationship;
- Have an escape plan and report any threats or altercations to law enforcement.
In the event financial abuse turns physical, or if your soon-to-be ex threatens friends, family, pets, or property, we can help in putting a restraining order in place.
Request A Consultation With Our Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Lawyer
Financial abuse can leave you feeling powerless. Vanessa L. Prieto acts as a trusted legal ally on your side, protecting your rights. For help in regaining your freedom and moving on with your life, contact our office and request a consultation with our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer today.