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Category Archives: Child Support


Ex Behind In Paying Child Support In Fort Lauderdale? How To Get The Total Amount You Are Owed

By Vanessa Prieto |

Parents have a legal duty and a moral obligation to provide for their children. When they fail to do so, which is common in cases of divorce and unmarried couples, it hurts the other parent as well as the child. If you are facing this type of difficult situation, the law is on your… Read More »

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5 Questions

Five Common Questions About Child Support In Fort Lauderdale

By Vanessa Prieto |

Child support in Fort Lauderdale plays a crucial role in providing for the children of single parents and those who are getting a divorce. Obtaining a formal child support order through the court is the best way to ensure your child gets the total amount they are entitled to. Our Fort Lauderdale child support… Read More »

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Are You Getting The Amount Of Child Support In Fort Lauderdale That You Are Owed?

By Vanessa Prieto |

Child support plays a major role in making sure children are provided for properly, whether the case involves single parents or in the aftermath of a divorce. Having a child support order issued through the local court helps ensure a reasonable amount is paid and provides options if enforcement actions are needed. Are you… Read More »

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Get Back To School Costs Covered In Your Fort Lauderdale Child Support Order

By Vanessa Prieto |

Raising children is expensive, particularly during the school year. Making sure they have the clothing and supplies they need can cost hundreds of dollars, in addition to the various other fees that arise during the school year. If you are a divorced or single parent, you should not have to shoulder the financial burden… Read More »

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Negotiating Child Support In Fort Lauderdale

By Vanessa Prieto |

If you are a parent who is going through a divorce in Fort Lauderdale or if you are unmarried and have proven paternity through legal proceedings, child support will need to be addressed. Parents are required to make regular payments to ensure their children’s various needs are met. Our Fort Lauderdale child support lawyer… Read More »

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Negotiating Child Support In Fort Lauderdale? Make Sure These Costs Are Covered

By Vanessa Prieto |

Child support is a major issue with unmarried couples and those going through the process of divorce. There are formulas the court follows to determine a fair and reasonable amount, but these still provide room for negotiations. One of the biggest issues concerns making sure all costs are covered and included in financial disclosures…. Read More »

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New Bill Proposes Child Support Should Start At Conception

By Vanessa Prieto |

The recent overturning of federal abortion laws has created major controversy. While some hail it as a victory, others see it as a major setback. Both sides generally agree that it should not be on the mother alone to assume all parental responsibilities. A new bill, which is sponsored in part by Florida Senator… Read More »

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Nearly Half Of All Parents Not Getting Child Support: Are You One Of Them?

By Vanessa Prieto |

Child support payments in Fort Lauderdale prevent single and divorced parents from having to shoulder the financial burden of providing for children on their own. Unfortunately, nearly half of all parents do not receive the child support they are entitled to. If you are one of them, find out some of the options available…. Read More »

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How Can I Get Child Support If The Other Parent Refuses To Work?

By Vanessa Prieto |

Parents have a legal duty to provide for their children, regardless of whether they are living in the same home. Unfortunately, many people fail to make regular payments. Child support enforcement is one of the biggest issues dealt with in the Florida family courts. Collecting payments that you and your child are entitled to… Read More »

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Penalties For Not Paying Child Support In Florida

By Vanessa Prieto |

Child support plays an important role in making sure children of divorced or single parents are provided for. These payments help in meeting daily expenses, such as for food, clothing, and shelter, as well as in making sure the child has what they need in regards to school and recreational activities. When a parent… Read More »

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