Preventing The Other Parent From Seeing Your Child

Disputes between parents can often spill over and negatively impact their children. Unfortunately, this is a common problem and may take the form of one parent trying to keep the other from having access to them. In general, Florida law protects the rights of both parties in these situations, particularly when one of them is acting out of spite. However, there are cases in which there are legitimate concerns about the child’s well-being and safety. Our Fort Lauderdale child time-sharing lawyer explains some of the options available.
Florida Law Regarding Child Time-Sharing
In cases of divorce or unmarried parents, a primary concern of the court is protecting the best interests of the children involved, as well as the rights of each party. This generally means encouraging child time-sharing arrangements, which rely on parenting plans to determine each parent’s rights and obligations.
Before approving a parenting plan, the court will consider numerous factors. These include:
- Each party’s current and prior relationship with the child;
- Their proven ability to meet the child’s needs;
- Any potential problems, such as allegations of abuse, alcohol addiction, or criminal behavior, which could put the child at risk;
- The willingness of each party to cooperate with the other in implementing the parenting plan.
It is common for some degree of animosity to exist between the parents, and one or both may fight to limit the access the other has to the child. Refusing to cooperate or failing to adhere to the terms of any final orders issued could put your own parenting rights in jeopardy. However, if you have legitimate concerns, rather than just personal reasons, for wanting to prevent the other parent from seeing your child, there are ways to address the situation.
Restricting The Rights Of The Other Parent
There are legitimate reasons you may want to limit the amount of access the other parent has to your child, or even prevent them from seeing them entirely. These include:
- Their behavior or the company they associate with puts your child in jeopardy;
- They have made threats against you or other family members;
- You have concerns about them taking the child and not returning them;
- They act in ways that undermine your relationship with the child and your parental authority.
It is important to discuss these types of matters with our Fort Lauderdale child time-sharing lawyer immediately so we can address the issue in the Broward County Family Court. We can gather evidence as to why the other parent should have limited rights and present it to the judge before a final order is issued. If you already have a parenting plan in place, we may be able to request modifications.
Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Child Time-Sharing Lawyer
If you have concerns about your parental rights or the well-being of your child, reach out to Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Vanessa L. Prieto right away. We can take the legal actions needed to protect you. Call or contact us online today and request a consultation.