Child Custody Issues: Is the Other Parent Undermining Your Authority?

Learning how to interact and share custody of your child with a person you are no longer in a relationship with does not always come natural or easy. In addition to any unresolved issues you may have with the other parent, their overall approach to parenting may be entirely different than yours. While it is important to maintain a spirit of cooperation in child custody matters, there are times when the other person may cross the line. If their ‘parenting style’ undermines your authority, you will need to address the situation.
Common Issues with Co-Parenting
Empowering Parents advises that with the prevalence of so many single, divorced, and blended families today, disputes over parenting style and authority are a common issue. Each person may have their own attitudes on child rearing and their own set of rules that are required for when the child visits their home. Unfortunately, not being on the same page in this regard can frustrate everyone involved.
Some parents have a more contentious relationship with each other, which makes the situation additionally challenging. Even if you and your ex get along fairly well, you may find yourselves clashing heads over the following issues:
- Education: Homework and school performance are one of the most common areas for problems to arise. This can occur if one parent has high academic expectations for the child and sets a rigorous study schedule, which the other parent does not support or share.
- Household chores: Another common dispute among parents is the amount of responsibility the child has in the home. Disagreements may stem over the type and amount of chores the child is assigned or whether they are paid to do them.
- Money: Another hot button issue, money problems can arise over high weekly allowances or the amount of money being lavished on the child.
- Discipline: This is a particularly touchy subject. ‘Good guy/bad guy’ disagreements are common as are serious disputes when one of the parents is seen as being overly harsh or hard on the child.
Parental Alienation
While many of these issues can be resolved through mutual respect and better communications between the parents, there are cases which may rise to a level that requires you to return to court. Any situation that has the potential to do harm to your child, either physically, emotionally, or developmentally needs to be discussed with your child support attorney at once.
If the other parent seems to be purposely trying to undermine your authority with the goal of trying to turn your child against you, this is known as ‘parental alienation. Under the Florida Statutes, this could justify a child custody modification.
Contact Us Today for Professional Help
When issues arise in child custody cases, the law firm of attorney Vanessa L. Prieto acts as a strong legal ally on your side. Call or contact our Fort Lauderdale child custody attorney today and request a consultation to discuss the best course of action in your particular case.