Five Reasons to Request a Change in Your Child Time Sharing Order

As a parent, you want what is best for your children. This generally includes allowing them to have frequent and ongoing contact with your former partner or spouse. Unfortunately, with child time-sharing arrangements there are situations in which children may actually be better off with one parent versus the other. If you currently have a time-sharing order in place and it is not working out, you may be able to return to court and request a modification.
Changing Your Time-Sharing Arrangements
In legal proceedings regarding children, arrangements regarding their care are generally made through Florida Court parenting plans. This provides a detailed outline on where the child will reside and the amount of visitation each parent is entitled to over weekends, holidays, and school breaks. It also grants legal authority in making decisions regarding matters impacting the child, arrangements for transportation between the parent’s homes, and provisions for resolving disputes that arise.
Under the Florida Statutes, requesting a change in a children time sharing agreement or in any type of court order is a serious matter. You must have a compelling reason for making your request, along with evidence to support any claims. The following are five situations in which returning to court and requesting a change is often justified:
- Parental move or relocation: Protecting your rights as a parent is important when considering a relocation or offered a job in another area. Notify the court as soon as possible so that you remain in compliance with the existing order and so that any needed changes can be made.
- Major schedule changes: While minor changes in your own or your child’s schedule can generally be worked out between you and the other parent without going to court, major changes may require a modification. An example would be when a parent is suddenly required to travel for work.
- Health issues on the part of the parents: If you or the other parent are diagnosed with any physical or emotional health conditions that result in disability or otherwise prevent you from providing for your child, a change in schedules may be in order.
- Parent refuses to comply with current order: When a parent refuses to comply with an existing order, they are in contempt and you have the right to return to court and request that changes be made.
- Health or welfare of child in jeopardy: Anytime you suspect that the child’s health and welfare is in jeopardy by the other parent’s behavior or the environment in their home, you should speak with a family law attorney immediately to discuss ways to protect them.
Reach Out to Us Today for Help
As a parent, making sure your children are safe, happy, and provided for is your number one priority and our Fort Lauderdale time sharing attorney is here to help. Call or contact the law offices of attorney Vanessa L. Prieto online today and request a consultation in our office to discuss the options available in your situation.