Evidence Needed To Get Alimony In Fort Lauderdale

Going through a divorce can be devastating both emotionally and financially. Alimony payments in Fort Lauderdale may be available depending on your specific situation. These can help in providing for yourself once a final divorce order is issued and allow you time to gain the experience, knowledge, or skills needed to reenter the workforce. Our Fort Lauderdale alimony lawyer explains the common types of evidence necessary to obtain these payments as part of a final divorce order in Broward County.
Your Rights To Alimony Payments In Fort Lauderdale
When filing for a divorce through the Broward County Family Court, there are important issues relating to your marriage and your finances that must be resolved before the judge can issue a final divorce order in your case. This includes the division of marital property, parenting plans if you have children from the relationship, and any alimony awards that may be warranted.
Alimony payments in a Fort Lauderdale divorce can help you support yourself while adjusting to the overall changes in your finances due to living alone. Situations in which alimony payments may be awarded include:
- If you make significantly less than your spouse;
- If you sacrificed your own career in support of theirs;
- If you left the workforce to raise children from your marriage;
- If you suffer medical or mental health conditions that prevent you from working.
Evidence Needed To Obtain The Maximum Amount Of Alimony In Fort Lauderdale
In 2023, Florida alimony laws underwent major changes. The requirements for obtaining alimony payments in Fort Lauderdale became stricter while overall alimony amounts awarded were reduced. Permanent alimony payments were eliminated altogether. However, you may still be entitled to temporary alimony for specific time periods or rehabilitative alimony while you gain the education or experience needed to resume your career.
As the Florida Statutes have made obtaining alimony payments more challenging and difficult, it is important to gather certain types of evidence if you want alimony awarded in your divorce case. This includes:
- Pay stubs showing any income received from either you or your spouse;
- Statements showing other benefits you or your spouse receive;
- Bank statements showing your overall assets;
- A detailed list of services you provided and sacrifices you made over the course of your marriage;
- Evidence documenting any marital misconduct on the part of your spouse, which could influence the judge’s decision to award alimony;
- A detailed list of your projected expenses once your divorce becomes final.
Request A Consultation With Our Fort Lauderdale Alimony Lawyer
Alimony can help you recover financially from a Fort Lauderdale divorce, but Florida alimony laws have gotten stricter in the past year. To get alimony awarded as part of your divorce, it is important to gather certain types of evidence.
Fort Lauderdale alimony lawyer Vanessa L. Prieto protects your rights and takes the legal actions needed to obtain the maximum in your divorce settlement. To request a consultation, call or contact us online today.