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Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Divorce Attorneys


Dividing Business Assets During a Divorce

By Vanessa Prieto |

Marital property division is an important issue in any Florida divorce case. Decisions you make during this process have the potential to impact your financial security for years to come. This is particularly true when there are business assets involved. Whether it is a family business you have owned since before your marriage or… Read More »

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How Career Sacrifices Impact Divorce Proceedings

By Vanessa Prieto |

Once couples get married, it is not uncommon for one of the partners to give up their own career or educational pursuits. While there are numerous reasons why this is often a good idea, there is no doubt it leaves the non-working spouse dependent on their partner and the relationship. In the event of… Read More »

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Dealing With an Ex Who Will Not Let Go

By Vanessa Prieto |

A former partner or spouse who is not ready to let go of a marriage or relationship can end up creating many problems for the one who initiated the split. Whether they refuse to accept the reality of the situation or are simply motivated to punish you, stalking and harassing behaviors should not be… Read More »

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Dealing With The Stress Of Divorce

By Vanessa Prieto |

As anyone who has been through a divorce will tell you, it is high on the list when it comes to stress. In addition to the impact on your physical health, it is easy to fall into harmful patterns of behavior that could cause problems, both now and in the years to come. Having… Read More »

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Divorce Tactics Often Employed By Narcissists

By Vanessa Prieto |

There are plenty of spouses who file for divorce in Florida claiming their partners are narcissists who only care about themselves. While the word narcissist is often used as a way of  categorizing a certain type of behavior rather than as an indicator of an actual mental illness, there is no doubt people who… Read More »

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Five Qualities To Look For In A Florida Divorce Attorney

By Vanessa Prieto |

Whether you are facing an uncontested divorce in which you and your spouse agree on most issues or a more high conflict situation involving disputes over marital property and children or allegations of abuse, you want a Florida divorce attorney who can help ensure the most successful results in your case. When evaluating your… Read More »

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Budgeting Tools for Divorce Recovery

By Vanessa Prieto |

After a divorce, it is common to deal with a certain amount of financial uncertainty, in addition to the emotional fallout. This often centers around budgeting concerns, such as meeting expenses on one income rather than two, reentering the workforce after an extended absence, or facing future retirement needs without the benefit of your… Read More »

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10 Important Tasks Before Getting A Divorce

By Vanessa Prieto |

While the events leading to the breakup of a marriage can be emotionally devastating, it can be financially draining as well. Whether you are in the early stages of a separation or you are ready to begin the process of filing for divorce, there are practical matters you can take care of now that… Read More »

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Deal Breakers: Qualities That May Lead To Separation or Divorce

By Vanessa Prieto |

When you are single, there are qualities you think about that you would want in a partner, but when the ‘right one’ comes around, sometimes logic and reason takes a back seat. The following outlines two separate surveys, one that ranks qualities that would rank as a deal breaker before getting into a relationship,… Read More »

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How Accusations of Domestic Violence Impacts Your Divorce Case

By Vanessa Prieto |

During any divorce case, issues and conflicts can arise that make it hard for the couple to reach agreements. In many of these situations, a settlement can eventually be agreed on by the two parties through negotiations with their attorneys. In divorce proceedings involving allegations of domestic abuse, the safety of the abused party… Read More »

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