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Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Family Law Attorneys


Tax Implications of Divorce

By Vanessa Prieto |

There are numerous practical matters to consider when considering a divorce. Amidst changes in your living situation, breaking the news to family and friends, and making arrangements for children, taxes are not likely to be an immediate concern. Tax season will be here, though, in a matter of months, and actions you take now… Read More »

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Reasons for Modifying the Amount You Owe in Alimony Payments

By Vanessa Prieto |

In Florida divorce cases in which one spouse has higher earnings than the other or has considerably greater assets, the court may order spousal support and maintenance. Alimony reform advocates have long complained about the system being unfair. In addition to the financial burden on those ordered to pay, they claim that these payments… Read More »

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Checklist of Things To Do When Changing Your Name

By Vanessa Prieto |

Changing your name when you get married is a fairly straightforward process, but changing it after a divorce or for other reasons requires extra effort to be effective. Your current name may be the one on which you have established your credit or professional reputation, in addition to being how you are known on… Read More »

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Including Life Insurance In Alimony and Child Support Agreements

By Vanessa Prieto |

Alimony and child support are often key issues in Florida divorce proceedings. Depending on the amount of time you have been married, the number of children you have, and the financial resources of each partner, payments made through your divorce agreement can go along way to providing financial security and ensuring child will be… Read More »

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Filling out Your Parenting Plan

By Vanessa Prieto |

For single parents or those going through a divorce, filling out a parenting plan as part of Florida time sharing proceedings is a major undertaking that should not be taken lightly. While there is always the opportunity to change or otherwise modify these plans at a future date, it will require going back to… Read More »

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How Having A Prenuptial Agreement Can Benefit People You Care About

By Vanessa Prieto |

Many couples shy away from creating a prenuptial agreement. They may insist that it puts a damper on their romance or reveals one of the partner’s reluctance to making a life time commitment. They may also see it as unnecessary due to a lack of property or assets, or owing to their willingness to… Read More »

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Why Some Older Adult Couples Choose Domestic Partnership Instead Of Getting Married

By Vanessa Prieto |

Finding your true love can happen at any age. For older adult couples who may have been previously married, had a family, and built a career, these relationships can be an invaluable source of emotional support and companionship. At the same time,  making the decision to get married is not always in their best… Read More »

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Postnuptial Agreements Can Protect You When Reconciling With Your Spouse

By Vanessa Prieto |

Making the choice to end your marriage is a complicated and painful decision, even after a period of separation. Whatever the problems in the relationship that prompted you to live apart, time away from each other and perspective on the situation could make a reconciliation seem like a good idea. Problems can arise, though,… Read More »

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Approaching Your Partner About A Prenuptial Agreement

By Vanessa Prieto |

Bringing up the idea of a prenuptial agreement with your fiancé may be something you have been putting off or dreading. At the same time, it is an important step for the both of you to take as a couple, and one that can help get your marriage started on the right financial footing…. Read More »

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Five Reasons You Should Have a Formal Child Support Order

By Vanessa Prieto |

Raising children is expensive, particularly on one income. For parents who are divorced or unmarried, it is not uncommon to have to struggle to meet all of your child’s basic needs, as well as their educational, social, and medical expenses. In order to keep the peace in potentially contentious situations or to avoid having… Read More »

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